All time | Last 5 years | |
Citations | 121 | 32 |
h-index | 6 | 3 |
i10-index | 5 | 0 |
Education and Career
1963 – finished Kharkiv National University. N.V. Karazin (KhNU) in the specialty “Physicist. Teacher of Physics”.
1972 – candidate Physics and Mathematics, defended his thesis in KhNU. 1974 – Senior Researcher of the Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
1983 – awarded the academic title of senior researcher on the specialty “radiophysics, including quantum radiophysics.”
2000g. – Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, specialty 01.04.05 – optics, laser physics, defended his thesis in KhNU.
2004 – professor on specialty 01.04.03 – radiophysics.
2000 – Head of the Department “Quantum Electronics and Nonlinear Optics” of the Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics named after. AND I. Usikov National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
Educational activity
Teaches courses: optics, quantum electronics, gas, liquid and solid-state lasers, nonlinear applied optics.
Research activities
Head of department
Department of Quantum Electronics and Nonlinear Optics Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics O.Ya. Ushikov National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
Head of the following state budget research:
2000-2003 years – Quasi-optical and optical principles and methods in radiophysical studies. (“Orth ” cipher).
2003-2006 years – Development of quasioptical and optical methods
in radiophysical studies. (Cipher “Support”).
2006-2011 years – Development and application of quasioptical and optical methods and methods in radiophysical studies in the terahertz region of the spectrum. (Cipher “Oplot”).
2011-2016 years – Development of methods and methods of optics and quasioptics for establishing regularities and features of interaction of terahertz radiation with physical and biological objects.
(Cipher “Halo”).
International activity
“Creation and investigation of new active media for solid-state tunable dye lasers. ” The joint Ukrainian-Belarusian project 2011-2013years.
NIR “Nonlinear Optical and Generation Properties of Nanodifficies of Laser-Active Media on Dye Molecules”.
The joint Ukrainian-Belarusian project 2013-2014years. Project No. F54.1 / 047.
Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology, 1974.
Publications and patents
He has more than 200 publications, including 2 monographs.
Has 16 patents for inventions.