Maxim Sidorov

Maxim Sidorov
Head of the Department of Applied Mathematics, Member of STC Presidium, Member of EMC Presidium, Doctor of Physics and Mathematical Sciences, Professor
Google Scholar ID: PNgvI7kAAAAJ
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

In 2000 he graduated from the Kharkiv State Technical University of Radio Electronics, specialty “Applied Mathematics”.

2000-2003 – PhD Student, Department of Applied Mathematics, NURE.

2003-2008 – Assistant, Department of Applied Mathematics, NURE.

2008 – PhD in Physics and Mathematics, specialty 01.05.02 – Mathematical modeling and computational methods.

2009 – Senior Lecturer, Department of Applied Mathematics, NURE.

2009-2020 – Associate Professor, Department of Applied Mathematics, NURE.

2020 – Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, specialty 01.05.02 – Mathematical modeling and computational methods.

2020 to present – Professor, Department of Applied Mathematics, NURE.

Since 2022 – Head of the Department of Applied mathematics.


Information about dissertation defense:

Specialty: 01.05.02 – Mathematical Modeling and Computational Methods.

Topic: “Mathematical modeling and numerical analysis of viscous fluid flows in single- and multi-connected domains by the method of R-function”. The defense was on 12.06.2008 at the meeting of the specialized academic council Д 64.052.02 of the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics.

Research supervisor – V.L. Rvachov; А.D. Tevyashev.

Specialty: 01.05.02 – Mathematical Modeling and Computational Methods.

Topic: “Methods of two-sided approximations for solve some classes of nonlinear problems in mathematical physics”. The defense was on 19.11.2019 at the meeting of the specialized academic council Д 64.052.02 of the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics.

Research consultant – A.I. Kolosov.

Educational activity

Teaches courses: Mathematical analysis, Numerical methods, Differential equations, Complex analysis, Numerical methods of mathematical physics, Integral transformations and operational calculus, Decision theory, R-function theory and its applications, Numerical methods of solving nonlinear operator equations, Equations of mathematical physics, Mathematical modeling in science and technology, Calculus of variations.

Researcher activity

Research interests: mathematical modeling, computational mathematics.

State awards

2020 – Acknowledgment from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for many years of conscientious work, significant personal contribution to the training of highly qualified specialists and fruitful scientific and pedagogical activities;

2020 – Diploma winner of the XXII Regional Competition “Higher School of Kharkiv Region – the Best Names” in the nomination “Teacher of Fundamental Disciplines”;

2023 – Honorary Diploma for the significant contribution to educational activities, scientific achievements, ensuring the life of the university based on the results of work under martial law, high-quality and timely fulfillment of the tasks of the university management, and on the occasion of the University Day.

Publications and patents

Has over 160 publications, including articles, theses and collective monographs