Maryna Kudriavtseva

Maryna Kudriavtseva
Associate Professor of Information Control System Department, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
Scopus ID: 57207765829
Documents by author:4
Total citations:11
Google Scholar ID: KmMt5qAAAAAJ&hl
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

2005 – graduated from Kharkov National University of Radioelectronics (KNURE), majoring in Information Control Systems and Technologies, qualification “Computer Systems Analyst”.

2008 – Assistant of the Department of Information Control Systems.

2008 Candidate of Technical Sciences, defended thesis in KHNURE.

2009 – Senior Lecturer of the Department of Information Control Systems.

2010 – Associate Professor of the Department of Information Control Systems.

Educational activity

Names of reading disciplines: «Visual Languages and Applications Programming Environments», «Mathematical Maintenance of Information Control Systems», «Information Control Systems Implementation», «Quality Management of Creating Information Control Systems».

Researcher activity

Participated in the research: contract № 05-23 from June 1, 2005. Researchinterests:architecture, modeling, application development, new IT technologies.

Publications and patents

50 Publications.