Maksym Tymkovych

Maksym Tymkovych
Аssociate Professor of the Department of Biomedical Engineering, Ph.D.
Google Scholar ID: E84buVoAAAAJ&hl=uk
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

2011 – Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, master degree in «Bioengineering and Medical Devices and Systems»; and qualification of researcher (electronics, biomedical equipment).

Since 2014 – Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering Department, KhNURE.

2017 – Ph.D., Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, Kharkiv, specialty 05.11.17 – biological and medical devices and systems. Theme of dissertation manuscript: “Methods and tools for computer planning of neurosurgical interventions”;

Educational activity

Teaches courses :  Robotic Medical Systems; labs and practice : Electronics and Microprocessors. Part III «Microprocessor Technology»,  Methods and Techniques of Image Processing, Computer-Aided Design of Medical Systems Based on Programmable Logical Integrated Circuits.

Research activities

During 2016 – 2017 – Researcher of research work # 314 (the project of young scientists) “Analytical system for electrochemiluminescent detection of powerful oxidizing agents in aqueous medium”

International activity / participation in international projects

Participiated DAAD projects: “Computer analysis of alginate structures” & “Computer analysis of cryomicroscopic objects”

Publications and patents

Has over 55 publications, including 2 patent of Ukraine for invention

2 Patent of Ukraine for invention