Maksym Ievlanov

Maksym Ievlanov
Professor of Information Control Systems Department, Deputy Dean of Faculty CS, Executive Secretary of "MIS and Devises", Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Google Scholar ID: 0nW8LrIAAAAJ&hl
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

In 1995 graduated from the Kharkov State Technical University of Radio Electronics specialty “Computerized information and control systems”.

Ph.D. – 2000.

Thesis defended November 27, 1999 in Kharkov State Technical University of Radio Electronics.

Doctor of Sciences – 2017.

Thesis defended April 12, 2017 in Kharkov National University of Radio Electronics. Specialty 05.13.06 – information technologies. The subject of thesis – Models, methods and information technology of complex information systems architecture design based on functional requirements.

Associate professor of Information Control Systems Department since 2008.

The main stages of pedagogical activity: 1997 – assistant, Department of Information Control Systems, Kharkov State Technical University of Radio Electronics.

2000 – lecturer, 2005 – associate professor, 2015 – professor, Department of Information Control Systems, Kharkov National University of Radio Electronics.

2015 – deputy Dean of the Computer Sciences Faculty for Scientific and Methodological Work.

Educational activity

Teaches courses: “Requirements and Models of Information Control Systems”, “Methodology and Methods of Project Management”, “Management of requirements to product”, “Management of IT-projects”, “Systems with service-oriented architecture”, “Technological bases of information systems life cycle”.

Researcher activity

As part of the state budget R & D was involved in research projects: «Development of methodology, methods and models of creation of distributed logistical computerized systems of organizational technological control with required parameters; «Research of methodology, development of information technologies, methods and models of creation of the main components of a typical distributed logistics information management system»; «Development of Information and Analytical System with Distributed Artificial Intelligence (“University”)»; «Research and development of methodologies, technologies of designing information systems and their software and hardware elements»; «Development of the subsystem “Cadres” (“Development of the typical informational and analytical system” University “(second phase)”)»; «Development of models and elements of information technologies for operational monitoring and management of bachelor’s and masters’ training processes»; «Development of models, methods and elements of information technologies for the analysis and control of educational and scientific activity of a higher educational establishment»; «Methods and models of Web services construction for business process management tasks in the intellectual information environment»; «Theory, methods and models of regional socio-economic objects intellectual information environments life cycle management»; executor and head of contract works: “Development of information management system for educational process (I stage)”, “Development of specifications for information technology of heterogeneous services integration to information management system of the enterprise”, “Development of models, methods and technology of project management of information implementation systems in insurance companies”.

Social activity

Certified Arbitrator of the International Association of Clubs “What? Where? When? “; Member of the Board of the Kharkiv Regional Branch of the League of Ukrainian Clubs of Intellectual Games.

Publications and patents

Has more than 100 publications, including 1 monograph.