Maksym Gusiatin

Maksym Gusiatin
Assistant of the Department of Electronic Computers
Scopus ID: 57194703502
Documents by author:2
Total citations:1
Google Scholar ID: PZDpED0AAAAJ&view_op
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

In 2000 I entered the Kharkov State University of Radio Electronics (HGTURE) and in 2005 I graduated from the full course, specializing in:
Computer systems of those networks, faculty of KIU, have been awarded the qualification: Analyst of computer systems.
Diploma: ХА№27727517 on July 5, 2005

To 2022 – Assistant of the Department of Electronic Computers, NURE.

Research activities

Executor of subsection 6.10 state budget agreement F76 / 109-2017 “Creation scientific and methodological bases ensuring survivability network sharing systems information in the conditions external impact powerful Microwave radiation “. 2017 a year


More than 25 publications