Ludmila Golovkina

Ludmila Golovkina
Associate Professor of Design and Operation of Electronic Devices Department, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
Google Scholar ID: ROkqTOgAAAAJ&hl
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

In 1989 she graduated from the Kharkov Institute of Radio Electronics specialty «Design and production radiodevices», diploma from differences.

Worked engineer SDD of Kharkov Institute of Radio Electronics, 1989-1993  – graduate student from margin production, worked in Kharkov governmental technical University Radioelectronics – from 22.11.93 by 31.08.97 an assistant, from 01.09.97 by 25.04.01 – a senior Tutor, from 26.04.01 by this time – Associate Professor of Department of design and operation of electronic devices.

Candidate technical sciences from 1994. Thesis on obsession degrees candidate technical sciences protected  in February 1994 at Kharkov governmental technical University Radioelectronics.

Awarded learned title Associate Professor Department of design and operation of electronic devices  in 2003.

Educational activity

Teaches courses:

  • Foundation building and applications RED,
  • Devices digital TV,
  • Information technologies  and facilities
  • TVcommunications,
  • Complex rationale acceptance solutions.
  • She is an developer courses:
  • Design speaker systems,
  • Techno – economic rationale engineering solutions,
  • Devices electronic communication,
  • Radiotechnical devices,
  • Information technologies at embedded systems,
  • Digital treatment signals.

Researcher activity

Main scientific interests:

  • Design systems management  «smart» house,
  • Designing sound systems of rooms, Sensory wireless network.

Social activity

She is an scientists secretary  scientist council Faculty Automation and computerized technologies.

State Awards

Awarded honorable mark HNURE «Merit», 2009.

She is  received award of competition «Preferable behind professional» HNURE at nomination «Developer training laboratory», 2 place in 2006/2007, at nomination «Teacher-lecturer», 2 place in 2008/2009.

Publications and patents

Having over 100 publications, including directory from classified Ministry education and science  and 2 monographs.