Lidiia Kuzmina

Lidiia Kuzmina
Candidate of Pedagogical Science, Lead Editor
Google Scholar ID: dGKOxTwAAAAJ
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

She graduated from philological faculty of Kharkov State University (now KhNU named after V.N. Karazin) on specialty the Ukrainian language and literature in 1996.

In 2006 she graduated from post-graduate course in National Pedagogical college named after H.S. Skovoroda.

In2014 she defended thesis for a candidate degree of pedagogical science on specialty 13.00.02 – the theory and methods of education (the Ukrainian Language).

2009-2015 – senior lecture of The Department of Ukrainian Studies.

2015-2020 – associate professor of The Department of Ukrainian Studies.

2020 to present – Lead Editor.

Educational activity

She teached subjects “Culture of oral and written business communication”, “Verbal Conflictology and the art of conducting discussions”.

Researcher activity

The sphere of the scientific interests is modern Ukrainian language, methods and new technology in formation of professional speech of student in higher educational institution.

Publications and patents

She has over 40 scientific and raining methodic publications.