Assistant professor of the Department of Infocommunication Engineering V.V. Popovsky, Ph.D.
Education and Career
In 1992 – graduated from the Kharkiv State University named after. M. Gorky in the specialty “Radiophysics and Electronics”, specialization – radiophysics..
1989-1996 work at the RPA “Cascade”.
Since 1996, work at PC “Ukrtelecom”
2005 – candidate of technical sciences in the specialty “Telecommunication systems and networks”.
Since 2005 – lecturer of the department of infocommunication engineering (telecommunication systems) of the Kharkov national university of radio electronics
Educational activity
Teaches coursers: Metrological support of IC, Metrological support of ICS, Prospects of wireless systems.
Research activities
Scientific interests – fiber-optic transmission systems, structured cable systems, metrological support for NGN systems.
Has over 10 publications