Larysa Pashchenko

Larysa Pashchenko
Leading translator of the Scientific Library, Leading Engineer of the Educational Department

Education and Career

1970 – graduated from the Kharkov State University named after A.M. Gorky, qualification – Philologist-Teacher of the English Language and Literature;

1975 – KhIRE, Senior Engineer-Translator, Rⅅ

1979 – graduated from the Kharkov State University named after A.M. Gorky, qualification – Philologist-Teacher of the French Language and Literature;

1985 – graduated from the Central Institute for Advanced Training of Leaders and Specialists of the National Economy in the Field of Patent Work, qualification – Patent Expert;

1990 – Leading Engineer, R&DD, KhNURE;

2017 – Leading Engineer, Educational Department.

2019 – Leading translator, Scientific library.

Publications and Patents

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