Lamtyugova Svitlana

Lamtyugova  Svitlana
Associate Professor of Applied Mathematics Department, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor
Google Scholar ID: DDopwu4AAAAJ
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

2007 –  Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, speciality “Applied Mathematics”;

2007-2017 – Assistant, Department of Higher Mathematics, O.M.Beketov NUUE in Kharkiv;

2011-2015 – PhD Student, Department of Applied Mathematics, NURE;

2016 – PhD in Physics and Mathematics, speciality 01.05.02 – Mathematical modelling and computational methods;

2017-2023 – Associate professor, Department of Higher Mathematics, O.M.Beketov NUUE in Kharkiv;

2023 to present – Associate professor, Department of Applied Mathematics, NURE


Information about the defence of the thesis:

Speciality: 01.05.02 “Mathematical modelling and computational methods”

Topic: “Mathematical modelling and numerical analysis of problems of flow past bodies by a viscous incompressible fluid using the R-functions method”. Defence on 03/01/2016 at a meeting of the specialized academic council D 64.052.02 of the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics

Scientific adviser – M.V. Sidorov.

Educational activity

Teaches courses: Linear algebra and analytical geometry, Mathematical analysis, Mathematical modelling of economic, ecological and social processes, Advanced Calculus

Research activities

Research interests are mathematical modelling, computational methods, and the R-functions method.

Publications & patents

Over 60 publications, including articles, theses, and educational and methodological works.