Konstantin Avramov

Konstantin Avramov
Professor of Department System Engineering, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Google Scholar ID: r3QlbKwAAAAJ&hl
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

1991 – graduated from NTU «KhPI» with a degree in «Dynamics and strength of machines».

1993 – Candidate of technical sciences, specialty – Dynamics and strength of machines.

2005 – Doctor of Technical Sciences, specialty –Deformable solid mechanics.

Educational activity

Teaches courses: Architectural Approach in System Design, Advanced System Design.

Research activities

Scientific interests: methods of calculation and study of stress-strain state, including in the presence of defects of various origins; scientifically substantiated methods of assessment of technical condition and residual life of structures of long operation; mechanics of interaction of deformed solids, liquids and gases; dynamics of spacecraft launch vehicles; dynamics of vibration protection systems of rocket and space technology objects and ground vehicles.

Publications and patents

Has over 150 publications, presented more than 80 papers at national and international conferences.