Kateryna Zybina

Kateryna Zybina
Senior lecturer of the Department of Software Engineering
Google Scholar ID: 32cu3V8AAAAJ
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

2014 year – completed full course of Kharkiv National University of Radioelectronics obtained qualification of Bachelor of Information Technology;

2013-2014 – laboratory assistant of the department for work with people with special educational needs;

2015 y. – completed full course of Kharkiv National University of Radioelectronics obtained masters degree in the field of study “Information management systems snd technologies”, qualification –Computer system Analyst;

2016 – engineer of the Software Engineering department;

From 1.09.2016 – for now assistant of the Software Engineering department;

From 2017 for now – postgraduate studies of Kharkiv National University of Radioelectronics

Educational activity

Conducts practical and laboratory classes in disciplines: hypertext and hypermedia, computer discrete mathematics and discrete structures, databases, development of online applications with graphical interface, numerical methods and high-tech calculations.

Research activities

She has trained 5 Candidates of Science in the speciality 05.13.06 – “Automatic Control Systems and Advanced Information Technologies,” 01.05.02 – “Mathematical Modeling and Computational Approaches”. She is a member of the editorial board of a collection of scientific papers “Problems of Bionics”, and since 1997 she has been the head of the workshop of “Radio Electronics and Youth in the XXI century” Scientific Conference.

Publications and patents

Has 10 publications of abstracts