Julia Vishniakova

Julia Vishniakova
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Computer Radio Engineering and Technical Information Security Systems, Candidate of Technical Sciences
Google Scholar ID: HPEHnEQAAAAJ&hl
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

2009 – graduated from the Kharkiv National University of Radioelectronics (KNURE), “Radioengineering” speciality;

2009 – trainee researcher of the Radioengineering Fundamentals (RF) Department, KNURE;

2010 – postgraduate student, assistant lecturer of the RF department, KNURE;

2014 – Candidate of Technical Sciences (specialty 05.12.07 – Antennas and microwave devices);

2014 – senior lecturer of the RF (CRETISS) department, KNURE

Educational activity

Teaches courses: “Special sections of physics”, “Microwave devices of information networks”, “Microwave devices and antennas”, “Design of microwave devices”

Research activities

Directions of scientific activity: antennas and microwave devices, reconfigurable antennas, computer-aided design systems

Publications and patents

18 publications (7 articles)