Ivan Obod

Ivan Obod
Professor the Department of Microprocessor Technologies and Systems, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Scopus ID: 6602185126
Documents by author:62
Total citations:469
Google Scholar ID: Kou0UWcAAAAJ&hl
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

1978 –  graduated from the Kiev Higher Engineering Radio Engineering School with  a degree in Automated Control Systems

1978 – 1999 – Engineer, Junior Researcher, Senior Researcher, Head of Laboratory in the Military Radiotechnical Academy, Kharkov

1999-2004 – Associate Professor KNAFU

2004-2006 – Professor KNAFU

2005 – Doctor of Technical Sciences in specialty 05.12.17 – radio engineering and television systems.

2006-2018 – Professor, Department of Radar Systems Engineering and Automation, NTU “KPI”

From 2018 to this time – Professor of the Department of microprocessor technologies and systems in KNURE

Educational activity

Lecture courses: design of devices on microcontrollers and FPGAs; simulation of digital signals using MATLAB and VHDL; digital signal processing techniques; broadband information transfer technology

Research activities

Member of the editorial board of the Bulletin of NTU “KPI” section “Informatics i modeling”.

Member of the dissertation council of NTU “KPI” for the defense of candidate dissertations – D 64.050.07

Supervises the scientific work of graduate students in the specialty 172 “Telecommunications and Radio Engineering”. Supervisor of 6 PhD thesises.

State Awards

State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology in 2006 for work in the field of information technology

Publications and patents

He has more than 600 publications, among them there are three textbooks with a stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, six monographies. More than 80 panents