Iryna Husarova

Iryna Husarova
Professor of Department of Applied mathematics, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
Google Scholar ID: ab5HhzgAAAAJ
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

In 1979 she graduated from the Kharkov State University (KhSU), specialty “Applied Mathematics”.

1979 – Mathematician at the Kharkiv Instrument-Making Plant.

1983 – Software Engineer at the Ukrainian Correspondence Pedagogical Institute.

1986 – Junior Researcher at the Department of Applied Mathematics, Kharkiv Institution of Radio Electronics.

1991 – Senior Researcher at the Department of Applied Mathematics.

1992 – PhD in Technical Sciences, specialty 05.13.01 – Management in Technical Systems. Dissertation was defended at the Kharkiv Institute of Radio Electronics.

1994 – Senior Lecturer at the Department of Applied Mathematics.

1997 – Associate Professor of the Department of Applied Mathematics.

2009 – Professor of the Department of Applied Mathematics of the NURE.

Educational activity

Teaches courses: Discrete mathematics, Functional analysis, Mathematical modeling of systems with distributed parameters, Stochastic programming, Optimal control of complex systems, System analysis of science and technology problems.

Researcher activity

Scientific interests: Discrete mathematics, Functional analysis, Mathematical modeling of systems with distributed parameters, Stochastic programming, Optimal control of complex systems, System analysis of science and technology problems.


Publications and patents

Have over 90 publications and one textbook.