Iryna Gruzdo

Iryna Gruzdo
Associate Professor of the Department of Software Engineering, Candidate of Technical Sciences
Google Scholar ID: RJ7GhtwAAAAJ
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career


2024, Completed advanced training «Analytics in Product IT», 2 ECTS. The course was developed by the IT company Genesis, Product IT Foundation for Education and the EdEra online education studio with the support of the Ministry of Digital Transformation and the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine. Received accreditation for the integration of the course «Analytics in Product IT» in their institution of higher education.

2024, Completed advanced training «Management in Product IT», 2 ECTS. The course was developed by the IT company Genesis, Product IT Foundation for Education and the EdEra online education studio with the support of the Ministry of Digital Transformation and the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine. Received accreditation for the integration of the course «Management in Product IT» in their institution of higher education.

2024, Advanced her qualification by completing the course “ Fundamentals of Project Management and Business Analysis in IT ” in the amount of 7,5 ECTS credits (225hours), within the project “Prof2IT” by NGO Kharkiv IT Cluster, with the participation of the EdTech company “SOURCE iT”. Certificate with honors. Kharkiv, Ukraine.

2023, Completed advanced training «Marketing of IT Products», 2 ECTS. The course was developed by the IT company Genesis, Product IT Foundation for Education and the EdEra online education studio with the support of the Ministry of Digital Transformation and the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine. Received accreditation for the integration of the course «Marketing of IT Products» in their institution of higher education.

2023, Completed advanced training “Creation and development of IT products”, 2 ECTS. The course was developed by the IT company Genesis, the GO “Educational Foundation of Product IT” and the EdEra online education studio with the support of the Ministry of Digital Transformation and the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine. Received accreditation for the integration of the course “Creation and development of IT products” in their institution of higher education.

2023, Participant of Genesis Marketing Week, and successfully passed the test. Genesis Academy, Ukraine.

2023, Has successful completed, received a passing grade, Sigma Software University Honor Code Certificate of Completion in TEACHERS` SMARTUP: WINTER PRODUCTIVITY, 30 hours (1 ECTS), Ukraine.

2022, Participant of the project on the development of cooperation between business and education “Uni-Biz Bridge”, dedicated to the development of soft skills. “UGEN”. Kharkov, Ukraine.

2020 – 2021, Advanced her qualification by completing the course “PHP programming” in the amount of 6 ECTS credits (180 hours), within the project “PROF2IT”, Kharkiv IT Cluster and NIX Solutions. Kharkiv, Ukraine.

2020 – 2021, Advanced her qualification by completing the course “Business analysis in IT” in the amount of 6 ECTS credits (180 hours), within the project “PROF2IT”, Kharkiv IT Cluster and NIX Solutions. Kharkiv, Ukraine.

2017, Has successful completion of IT Ukraine Association Teacher’s Internship program. Epam Systems. Period Jun- Aug 2017. Kyiv, Ukraine.

2017, Has successfully completed Educational Program within “Epam Teachers’s Internship”. Epam Systems Inc. Kharkiv, Ukraine.

2017, Complete the course “InterSystems Cache Fundamentals”. Kharkiv, Ukraine.

2016, Complete the course “Hebrew from zero: studying speaking language hebrew from zero: studying speaking language”, leaving level Pre-Intermediate. Beit Dan. Kharkiv, Ukraine.

2015, Тraining “Developing application with Microsoft Azure using Imagine Access”. Kharkiv, Ukraine.

2014, Advanced her qualification by completing the course “Soft-skills for IT people”, Source IT. Kharkiv, Ukraine.

2013, PhD in Computer Science, National Aerospace University “Kharkiv Aviation Institute”. Topic of thesis is “Information technology of analysis and assessment of written works in the educational aspect of the textual borrowing”. (scientific director Doctor of Sciences, Full Professor, Professor at the Department of Software Engineering – Shostak I.V.). Kharkiv, Ukraine.

2011, Finished optional course FLASH / Action Script. Kharkiv, Ukraine.

2011, Graduated from the National Aerospace University “Kharkiv Aviation Institute”. Specialty: “Project Management, Specialist in Project Management and Programs”. Diploma of Specialist with honors. Kharkiv, Ukraine.

2010, Graduated from the National Aerospace University “Kharkiv Aviation Institute”. Specialty: “Economy and business”. Qualification: “Marketing”, Diploma with honors. Kharkiv, Ukraine.

2009, Graduated from the National Aerospace University “Kharkiv Aviation Institute”. Specialty: “The software of the automated systems”, Computer sciences / Software Engineering, the scientific employee (programming). Master’s Diploma with honors. Kharkiv, Ukraine.


2016 till now, Associate Professor of Software Engineering Department, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, full time.

2015 – 2018, Trainer on the course “Software testing”, “Web design”. Kharkiv Educational Center «Promin» , part time.

2016, IT-recruit 2.0. Trainer on the course “Software Testing”. The project is supported by the International Foundation «Renaissance» , part time.

2014 – 2016, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Social Informatics, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, full time.

2009 – 2014, Junior research associate and assistant of the department “Software engineering”, National Aerospace University “Kharkiv Aviation Institute”, full time.

2006 – 2009, Engineer at the department 702 “Politology and history”, from the National Aerospace University “Kharkiv Aviation Institute”, full time.

2002 – 2003, Teacher of « Computer typing operator», Regional Institute of Management, part time. Luhansk, Ukraine.


Educational activity

Teaching experience: 2012 – Now.

Levels: Master, Bachelor.

Specialties: Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Software Engineering, Informatics.

Main courses: Hypertext and Hypermedia; Scripting Programming Languages; Empirical methods of software engineering; * Foundations of Business Intelligence; * Social Media Marketing: digital marketing and social media; * Fundamentals of Social Media Marketing; *UI/UX Design; *Usability; Innovative Entrepreneurship in the Software Industry; Security of programs and data; Multimedia Systems.

Certification instructor for the course “Creation and development of IT products”, Certificate of accreditation for the integration course of the course “Fundamentalization of product IT”.

Certification instructor for the course «Marketing of IT Products», Certificate of accreditation for the integration course of the course “Fundamentalization of product IT”.

Certification instructor for the course «Management in Product IT», Certificate of accreditation for the integration course of the course “Fundamentalization of product IT”.

Certification instructor for the course «Analytics in Product IT», Certificate of accreditation for the integration course of the course “Fundamentalization of product IT”.

Certified teacher of the course “Programming script languages” under the project “Certification system of IT disciplines” of the Kharkiv IT Cluster and the National Agency for Quality Assurance of Higher Education of Ukraine.

Leading of bachelors and masters.

Research activities

Scientific Areas of Interest: Аerospace technology. Cybernetic linguistics. Data security. Information technology for working with textual information. Plagiarism. Text Mining. Natural Language Processing. Software Project Management, models and methods of risk management. Soft-skils. Time Management. Usability. Business Intelligence. Social Media Marketing. Public Relations. Systematization and Modeling of Knowledge. Competitive Intelligence. Knowledge Management. Organization and Modeling of Business. Systematization Research and Development of Social Networks in Internet.

Participated in research work:

– “Methodology of construction of the adapted software development, testing and experimental development of aerospace technology”. State budgetary topic (2010-2011) (DR № 0109U001114);

– “Models and methods for processing the results and presentation of testing processes for space technology” (2011-2012) (DR № 0111U006871);

– “The theoretical foundations, methods and information technologies to develop software – technical complexes of critical applications where resource constraints”. State budgetary topic (2012-2013) (DR № 0112U001058).

Official opponent:

1) Popova, M. A. Ontology of Interaction in the Environment of the Geographic Information System. The thesis for а degree of Сandidate of Technical Sciences in the speciality 05.13.06 – Information Technologies. (Institute of Telecommunication and Global Information Space of NASU), 2015, Kyiv.

2) Parfenenko Yu. V. Models and Information Technology of Decision Support in the Management of Heat Supply of Social and Public Sector Objects. The thesis for а degree of Сandidate of Technical Sciences in the speciality 05.13.06 – Information Technologies. (O. M. Beketov Kharkiv National University of Urban Economy), 2016, Kharkiv.

International activity

2021 р. – Completed advanced training (internship) International School “Digital Age: Big Data, AI & Copyright”, 6 ECTS. Pavol Josef Šafárik University in Košice, Slovakia.

2020 р. – Completed advanced training (internship) Virtual International School “Digital Transformation: EU Trends, Solutions and Tools”, 3 ECTS. Pavol Josef Šafárik University in Košice, Slovakia.

2018 р. – Completed advanced training (internship) Walldorf, Germany, SAP Leonardo – Enabling the Intelligent Enterprise.

Social activities:

– Work as part of the competition commission in the areas of “Business, start-ups”, “Science”, “Programs”, exhibitions of technical creativity of young people in the international youth forum “Radio electronics and youth in XXI century”.

– Member of the project group of the Educational and Scientific Program in Software Engineering of the second (master’s) level of higher education. Specialty: 121 Software Engineering.

– Curator of the students group.

– Full member of the Public organization “Ukrainian scientific and education IT society”.

Publications and patents

Has over 90 scientific papers. Namely 20 articles in specialized scientific publications included in the list approved by the Personnel Certification Department of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine, 5 articles in publications included in the scientometric databases Scopus, Web of Science; 3 utility model patents, 7 copyright registration certificates for works (computer programs), 23 teaching and methodical publications, 4 textbooks.