Irina Lisitska

Irina Lisitska
Professor of the Department of Information Technology, Member of the Specialized Scientific Council, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Scopus ID: 57201720899
Documents by author:5
Total citations:44
Google Scholar ID: lOGKjUAAAAAJ
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

1987 – graduated from Kharkiv Institute of Radio Electronics, specializing in “Automated Control Systems”.

From 1993 to 2000 assistant professor, lecturer and associate professor of the Department of Applied Mathematics of Kharkiv Military University, Ph.D. – 1998. Thesis defended at the Kharkiv Military University.

2000 – associate professor of information technology security department of Kharkiv State Technical University of Radio Electronics.

2001 – enrolled in doctoral studies at the Kharkiv State Academy of Culture in 2002 – deduced from doctoral studies for health reasons.

In 2002, she was awarded the title of Associate Professor of the Department of Information Technology Security.

From 2002 to 2008 – Associate Professor of the Department of Information Technologies Security KNURE.

2012 – Doctor of Technical Sciences, specialty 05.13.05 – computer systems and components, defended the dissertation at KNURE.

2014 – Professor of the Department of Information Technologies Security KNURE.
2015 – Professor of the Department of Information Systems and Technologies of the Kharkiv National University named after VN Karazin and Professor (0.5 pays) of the Department of Information Technologies Security KNURE.

Educational activity

Teaches courses:

  • protection of information in computer systems and networks
  • theory of computational complexity
  • theory of elliptic curves

Research activities

Research interests:

  • block symmetric ciphers
  • cryptanalysis of block symmetric ciphers

Significant publications.

Lisitskaya I. V. Methodology for assessing the resistance of block symmetric ciphers to attacks of differential and linear cryptanalysis / V.I. Dolgov, I.V. Lisitskaya. // Monograph − Kharkov: Publishing house “Fort”. − 2013. − 420 p.

Scientific publications in areas of scientific activity:

  • Lisitska I. V. The new concept of block symmetric ciphers design / V.I. Dolgov, I.V. Lisitska, K.Yе. Lisitskyi // DOI: 10.1615 /Telecom Rad Eng. v. 76, 2017 i. 2. pages 157-184.
  • Lisitskaya I.V. Importance of S-Blocks in Modern Block Ciphers. / I.V. Lisitskaya, E.D. Melnichuk and K.E. Lysytskiy. // I.J. Computer Network and Information Security. – 2012. – 10. – с. 1-12. ISSN: 2074-9104.
  • Lisitskaya Iryna Impruvd Rijndael / Iryna Lisitskaya, Konstantin Lisitskiy, Mariya Rodinko // Science and Education Studies “Stanford University Press” Volume II № 1(17), January-June 2016. p. 608-618.
  • Lisitskaya I.V. Experimental data for determining the dynamic parameters of the arrival of block symmetric ciphers to the state of a random substitution / I.V. Lisitskaya, К.Е. Lisitsky, M.Yu. Rodinko et al. // Radioelectronics, informatics, management. – Zaporozhye: ZNTU − 2017. − № 1 (40). − pp. 129-141.
  • Lisickiy, K., Dolgov, V., Lisickaya, I., & Kuznetsova, K. (2019). BLOCK SYMMETRIC CIPHER WITH RANDOM S-BOXES. International Journal of Computing, 18(1), 89-100.

She took part in research projects: State budgetary research topics:

  • No. 390 (No. DR 0198U004445) “Development of a policy and concept for the construction of secure information technologies, development and research of methods and mathematical models for processing and protecting information in systems and networks” ,
  • № 125-1 (№DR 0101U005125) “Research and development of advanced cryptographic information protection technologies in telecommunication systems and networks”,
  • No. 203-1 (IDR 9103U001981) “Justification of requirements, development and implementation of information the structure of the electronic digital signature in the MES “(IDR 0106U006221),
  • IDR 0104U002433″ Choice and study of the encryption algorithm for use in the hardware and software system “.

Since 2012 – the scientific secretary of the dissertational council D K64.052.05 on the defense of candidate dissertations at the Kharkov National University of Radio Electronics,

Since 2016 – member of the dissertational council D K64.052.05 on the defense of candidate dissertations at the Kharkov National University of Radio Electronics and the Dissertation Council D 64.051.29 in Kharkov National University of. V.N. The Karazin. Direction of scientific activity: cryptanalysis of block symmetric screens.

Publications and patents

More than 130 publications, including 1 monograph.