Ihor Shcherban

Ihor Shcherban
assistant of the Department of Microelectronics, Electronic Devices and Appliances




Researcher ID

Google Academy



IEEE: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/author/37085889966

Scopus ID: 57191968075
Documents by author:10
Total citations:13
Google Scholar ID: c5JlReoAAAAJ
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

2015 – graduated from Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics (KNURE) with a degree in “Micro- and nanoelectronic devices and appliances.”

2015 – 2016 – Research Intern at the Department of Microelectronics, Electronic Devices and Devices (KNURE).

2016 – 2020 – graduate student of the Department of Microelectronics, Electronic Devices and Appliances (KNURE), specialty 105 – Applied Physics and Nanomaterials

Since 2019, assistant of the Department of Microelectronics, Electronic Devices and Appliances (KNURE).

Educational activity

Conducts practical and laboratory classes in the following courses:

fundamentals of microelectronics, new information technologies, applied software packages for microelectronics, computational mathematics, probe technologies of nanoelectronics, carbon nanotubes, physics of quantum-dimensional structures, microcircuitry, solid-state electronics, modern methods of construction and designing electronic devices and appliences

Researcher activity

Participation in the state budget theme No. 283-1 “Theoretical and experimental foundations of probe microwave diagnostics and modification of materials”

 Scientific interests:

  • Scanning microwave microscopy of conductors, semiconductors and dielectrics;
  • local microwave diagnostics of materials, environments and objects.

Social activity

Member of the Scientific Society of Young Scientists KNURE

Publications and patents

He has more than 20 scientific works