Ihor Bondarenko

Ihor Bondarenko
Assistant of the Department of biomedical engineering
Google Scholar ID: OE2XMT8AAAAJ&hl=uk
All timeLast 5 years

Education and career

2007 – Graduated from Kharkiv National University named after V. N. Karazina, majoring in “Physics”;

2017 – 2021 – Postgraduate studies at the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics (KHNURE) majoring in “Biomedical Engineering”;

2018-2019 – engineer of the department of biomedical engineering;

from 2019 to the present – an assistant at the Department of Biomedical Engineering

Information about the defense of the dissertation: on February 16, 2024, at a meeting of the specialized scientific council of DF 64.052.007, he defended his dissertation on the topic: “Methods and means of research of magnetoacoustic effects on simulated areas of the biological environment.”

Educational activity

Conducts laboratory practice in the following disciplines: Methods of medical and biological research, Biotechnical systems, Nanotechnology in biology and medicine, Basics of control theory in biomedical systems.

Research activities

Field of scientific interests: biophysical modeling, interaction of electric, magnetic and acoustic fields with biological objects that are modeled. Study of physical processes in living organisms.

Publications and patents

25 scientific publications, of which 8 publications are indexed in the Scopus database, 1 publication is indexed in the Web of science, 1 patent for a utility model.