Igor Shostak

Igor Shostak
Professor of the Department of Software Engineering (part time), professor of Department of Radio Technologies of Information and Communication Systems(part-time), Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor
Google Scholar ID: DxIN-TcAAAAJ&hl
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

1983 – graduated from Kharkiv Institute of Radio Electronics, specialty “Automated Control Systems”; engineer system.
1988 – Candidate of Technical Sciences.
2008 – Associate Professor of the Department of Software Systems of Computer Systems of the Kharkiv Aviation Institute (HAI).
1998 – 2001 – doctoral student, part-time – associate professor of the software department of computer systems KhAI.
2002 – 2008 – associate professor of the department of software of computer systems KhAI.
Presently – Professor of the Department of Software Engineering, KhAI.

2024 – professor of department of radio technologies of information and communication systems (part-time)

Educational activity

Scientific and pedagogical experience – 29 years.

Research activities

Scientific experience – 30 years.
Participant in many scientific conferences and author (co-author) of scientific papers in a foreign language, for example: «Ontology approach to realization of information technology for normative profile formimg at critical software certification», «Theory of algorithms and computational processes», «Artificial intelligence systems: Methodical instructions to laboratory works»,  «Synthesis system models of choice the priorities at realization of National Foresight-researches. An international quarterly journal on economics in technology, new technologies and modelling processes (ECONTECHMOD)», «Results on Foresight-Research for Nanotechnology Industry Development for the Next Economy in Ukraine», «Method of assessment of information and control decision support systems of the products for virtual instrument-making enterprise based on the spiral model of the product life cycle», «Engineering: Concepts, Models, Complex Systems Architectures», «The Concept of Virtual Manufacturing Enterprise Operation as a Green Complex System», «Investigation of the method of decomposition of a complex science-intensive instrument-making device for formation of a rational strategy for its modernization».

International activities / participation in international projects

Developed, won and successfully implemented TEMPUS Individual Grant with the University of London (SITOSS, IMG-UKR).

Concluded 5 International Agreements (including universities of Belgium and Sweden), 5 Letters of Intent for Partnership.

Won and implemented a trip to an International Conference in Brussels.

Worked as a member of the expert commission for the defense of doctoral dissertation in the field of knowledge management at the Royal University of Stockholm.

As coordinator and participant, was development 7 applications for International Projects TEMPUS from KNURE.

Member of the Program Committees of various international conferences, editorial boards of journals, including: “Egyptian Computer Science Journal”, “International Journal”, “Information Technologies and Knowledge”, “Information – Interaction – Intellect, Knowledge-Dialogue-Solution, General Information Theory” Information Models & Analyzes “,” Information Security”, еts.

State Awards

Laureate of the premiere of NAS of Ukraine name”s M.I. Tugan-Baranovsky.

Publications and patents

Has over  200 publications. Certificate on the work № 46707 from 12/10/2012 Computer program “Tool for fuzzy search of text borrowings in the educational work of students of technical universities “Plagiarizm”».