Igor Ruzhentsev

Igor Ruzhentsev
Head of Metrology and Technical Expertise Department, Member of EMC, Member of STC, Member of Specialized Scientific Council, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Education and Career

1971 – engineer-radiophysicist, Kharkov Institute of Radio Electronics named after. acad. M.K. Yangel (HIRE), Department of Electronics, specialty – radiophysics and electronics; the theme of the thesis is “Multifrequency interaction in microwave amplifiers”.

1980 – Cand.Tech.Sci., Kharkov Institute of Radioelectronics, specialty 01.04.03 – Radiophysics, including Quantum.

1986 – Associate Professor of the Department of Electronic Devices and Devices.

1992 – doctoral studies of the Kharkov Technical University of Radioelectronics (KhTURE).

1994 – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Kharkov Technical University of Radio Electronics, specialty 01.04.03 – radiophysics.

1996 – Professor of the Department of Electronic Devices and Devices of KhTURE.

1996 – Head of the Department of Metrology and Measurement Technology KhTURE.

Educational activity

Lecture courses: electronic devices, electronic devices modeling, metrology and measuring technology, certification basics, scientific research and patenting, measurement of EMC parameters, introduction to metrology and measuring equipment.

Methodical support: lecture notes, work programs in readable disciplines, test questions for monitoring, methodical instructions for readable courses.

Included in the expert council of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

Researcher activity

Scientific interests – mathematical modeling of powerful generator devices, development of measuring equipment.

Research topics and projects: State budget – “Naukova-tehnіchne, іnformatsіyne that metrologіchne zabezpechennya ekspluatatsії gazovimіryuvalnih systems PVVG that DHW” Ukrtransgaz “(NDPІAS Ukrtransgaz, №DR 0105U004056)”, “Development of information and measuring complex for electromagnetic environment monitoring (№0101U005127)”, № 230-6 “Electromagnetic environment monitoring (№0109U002572)”.

It is part of 2 specialized councils for defending dissertations. Head of doctoral and postgraduate studies. The general experience of scientific and scientific-pedagogical work is 46 years.

Social activities

Participated in the development of higher education standard on specialty 152 “Metrology and information-measuring equipment” for undergraduate (bachelor) level of higher education and for the second (Master) level of higher education.

International activity / participation in international projects

He took part in the organization of the International Conferences “Metrology and Measuring Technology” in the period 1998-2018. as part of the organizing committee, the International Scientific Seminar 2005-2018.

Publications and patents

Has over 200 publications, including 2 textbooks, foreign articles, abstracts at international conferences.