Igor Ivanisenko

Igor Ivanisenko
Associate Professor of the Department of Electronic Computers, Engineer of the 1st category of Department of International Relations, PhD, materially responsible (on a voluntary basis) the Outsourcing Scientific Training And Production Center (OSTPC)
Scopus ID: 57188694373
Documents by author:16
Total citations:93
Google Scholar ID: LkOev_UAAAAJ&hl
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

In 1996, joined the Kharkiv State Technical University of Radio electronics (KTURE) and in 2001 completed the full course, specialization: CAD electronic technics, faculty Electronic Devices, qualification: Engineer in Computer Systems

Diploma: ХА №15972831 July 4, 2001.

To 2022 – Associate Professor of the Department of Electronic Computers, NURE.

Educational activity

Responsible for the international relations in the department

Research activities

Prepared and defended the PhD dissertation “Methods of balancing load in distributed systems taking into account the self-similar properties of input streams” in December 2017.

International activity / participation in international projects

Tempus participant of the project Tempus project IHSITOP 530319-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-DE-TEMPUS-JPHES

Innovative hybrid strategy for IT outsourcing partnership with businesses

2012-2016 –  is now the project at the stage of the aftereffect (functioning of an open-air project within the outsourcing center of the OSTPC)

Publications and patents

More than 45 publications