Hennadii Bendeberya

Hennadii Bendeberya
Senior Lecturer of Department Microelectronics, Electronic Devices and Appliances
Scopus ID: 6505677339
Documents by author:6
Total citations:2

Education and Career

In 1979 was educated at the Kharkov Institute of Radio Electronics (KhIRE), specialty Electronic devices.

1986 – senior researcher of the KhIRE. Since 2013 – senior lecturer of the Microelectronics electronic devices and appliances department of  the Kharkov National university of Radio Electronics.

Educational activity

Teaches educational subjects:

  • Technological  basics of electronics,
  • Technologies  of electronics,
  • Thin films physics,
  • Thin films electronic devices,
  • Thin films electronics,
  • Microelectronic materials and its research methods,
  • Submicron technology of integrated circuits.

Researcher activity

Within the framework of the state budget themes took part in 10 research project.

International activity / participation in international projects

Took part in  research projects: USTC 1893 (2006-2008), USTC 5067 (2011-2013), CRDF UKE2-2958 (2010-2011).

Publications and patents

Не has over 20 publications, including invention patents, 5 patents.