Hanna Sova

Hanna Sova
Professor Department of Higher Mathematics, PhD (Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences), Associate Professor
Scopus ID: 57207588760
Documents by author:8
Total citations:4
Google Scholar ID: vQ1tcwUAAAAJ&hl
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

1969 – graduated from the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of the Kharkov State University, speciality is mathematics.

1975 – postgraduate studies at Kharkov Institute of Radio Electronics, speciality is radiophysics, including quantum radiophysics.

1979 – defended her thesis on the topic “Features of the interaction of thick electron flows in crossed fields with high-frequency waves”.

1980 – senior lecturer, associate professor.

1999 – professor.

Educational activity

She gives lectures and practical works in “Higher Mathematics” at the Faculty of Automa­tion and Computer Technologies

Research activities

Her scientific interests include radio physics, electronics, systems and management processes. The executor of a number of economic contracts in the field of simulation of electron-wave interaction in microwave electronics. As a result, mathematical models of a multifrequency electron-wave interaction in systems with crossed fields have been created and the features of interaction have been revealed. Repeatedly participated in international scientific conferences.

Social activities

Organizer of the methodological seminar of the Chair of Higher Mathematics on the introduction of the Ukrainian language in the teaching of higher mathematics (1998-2001).

Member of the Subject Commission on Mathematics (Deputy Chairman of the Subject Commission on Mathematics – 1999, Chairman of the Commission – 2000-2002).

Chairman of the examination committee for the olympiad in mathematics (2000-2003).

State Awards

For a significant contribution to the training of engineering personnel, highly qualified specialists and scientific achievements, she was repeatedly awarded with diplomas of the Ministry of Education and Science, and in 2003 she was awarded the sign “The High Achiever of Education of Ukraine”.

Publications and patents

Author of more than 45 scientific and scientific-methodical works.