George Krukovsky

George Krukovsky
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Physical Education and Sports
Google Scholar ID: 28dbEnkAAAAJ
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

2000 – graduated from Kharkov State Institute of Physical Culture with a degree in Physical Education and Sports.

2000 – started working as an assistant at the Department of Physical Education of KNURE.

2008 – Senior Lecturer of the Department of Physical Education.

Since 2009 – responsible for physical education at the Faculty of Electronic Engineering. Member of the Academic Council of the Faculty.

Since 2010 – deputy chairman of the sports club “Radio technician”.

In 2012 he graduated from the post-graduate course on the job at the Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogical Academy.

Educational activity

Conducts training sessions with students of I-V courses. Organizes sports and mass work at the faculty of ELBЕ. He trains the national teams of the university in combating sambo and judo. The team prepared by him takes prizes in the Ukrainian championships among students.

Researcher activity

I took the first place at the II All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference “Physical Culture, Sports and Health” in 2000.

International activity / participation in international projects

Participated in the IV International Scientific Congress “Olympic Sports and Sport for All: Problems of Health, Recreation, Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation”, 2000.

Social activity

Provides judging in competitions in martial arts. Is a judge of the national category.

Publications and patents

More than 20 publications, 2 manuals.