Eugene Medvedev

Eugene Medvedev
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Computer Radio Engineering and Technical Information Security Systems, deputy dean of IRTIS Faculty, Scientific Adviser of ESL TISS
Google Scholar ID: VTdspVwAAAAJ&hl
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

2011 -Master’s degree, Kharkov national university of radio electronics, specialty – systems of technical protection of information. The theme of the thesis master’s work is “Development and optimization of the device for searching for hidden video cameras”.

2011-2014 – postgraduate student of ORT KNURE department, specialty 05.12.07 – antennas and microwave devices.

2013 – Assistant of the Department of Radio Engineering of KNURE.

2015 – Deputy Dean of the Radio Engineering Faculty for the organizational and educational work .

Since 2015 he has been a scientific secretary of the radio engineering faculty.

Since 2017 the founder and head of the educational and scientific laboratory “Systems of technical protection of information (video surveillance, burglar alarms and access control)”

Educational activity

Teaches courses: computer networks; design of TIS systems; methods and means of information security ; automation of information processing with restricted access


Has over 15 publications