Dmytro Sytnikov

Dmytro Sytnikov
Professor of System Engineering Department, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
Google Scholar ID: 7BsR1gYAAAAJ
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

1988 – engineer-mathematician, Kharkov Institute of Radio Electronics (KIRE), speciality – applied mathematics.

1991 – Ph.D., Kharkov Institute of Radio Electronics (KIRE): speciality 05.25.05 – information systems and processes.

1992 – senior researcher (KIRE)

1996 г. – associate professor of the Department for Informatics, Information Systems and Processes (KSIC).

2000 – Head of Department for Information and Documentary Systems (KSAC).

2017 г. – professor of Systems Engineering Department (NURE).

Educational activity

Lecture courses: methods and tools for the analysis of multivariate data, special chapters of information technologies for systems engineering, Systems Analysis, Numerical methods, Introduction to Speciality.

Researcher activity

Research interests: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, data logical modelling, decision making with data uncertainties.

Research results: prof Sytnikov has developed methods for solving logic equations with parameters, methods for generating association rules in databases, algebraic methods for the description of information objects in the context of rough set theory.

Ph. D. student supervisor, speciality “05.13.23 – artificial intelligence systems and tools» – O. Titova (2005).

International activity / participation in international projects

has been many times invited for delivering lectures, supervising seminars, organizing international conferences and supervising master students in institutes of Italy, the UK and Japan.

He has been invited as a guest editor by the international journals “Expert Systems” and “International Journal for Infonomics”.

Publications and patents

Has more than 130 scientific publications.