Dmytro Gretskih

Dmytro Gretskih
Professor the Department of Computer Radio Engineering and Technical Information Security Systems, Member of Specialized Scientific Council, Ph. D. of Technical Sciences, Assosiate Professor
Google Scholar ID: 26ykbKAAAAAJ&gmla
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

2000 – graduated Kharkiv State Technical University  of Radio Electronics (KTURE) specialty “Radio engineering”.

2003 – Assistant Professor of the Department basics of radio engineering (KNURE).

2004 – candidate of technical sciences, specialty 05.12.07 – antennas and devices of Microwave technics, dissertation

defended in KNURE.

2005 – Senior Lecturer of the Department basics of radio engineering (KNURE).

2007 – Associate Professor of the Department basics of radio engineering (KNURE).

2016 Associate Professor of Department of  computer radio engineering and systems of technical security of information

Educational activity

Teaches courses: fields and waves in the systems of technical protection of information; radio countermeasures; radio masking

Research activities

As part of the state budget R & D was involved in research projects

State Awards

Laureate of the State Premium of Ukraine in the field of science and technology


Has more than 50 publications, including 3 textbooks and 1 monograph