Dmytro Gretskih

Dmytro Gretskih
Professor the Department of Computer Radio Engineering and Technical Information Security Systems, Member of Specialized Scientific Council, Ph. D. of Technical Sciences, Assosiate Professor
Scopus ID: 24479367300
Documents by author:30
Total citations:69
Google Scholar ID: 26ykbKAAAAAJ&gmla
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

2000 – graduated Kharkiv State Technical University  of Radio Electronics (KTURE) specialty “Radio engineering”.

2003 – Assistant Professor of the Department basics of radio engineering (KNURE).

2004 – candidate of technical sciences, specialty 05.12.07 – antennas and devices of Microwave technics, dissertation

defended in KNURE.

2005 – Senior Lecturer of the Department basics of radio engineering (KNURE).

2007 – Associate Professor of the Department basics of radio engineering (KNURE).

2016 Associate Professor of Department of  computer radio engineering and systems of technical security of information

Educational activity

Teaches courses: fields and waves in the systems of technical protection of information; radio countermeasures; radio masking

Research activities

As part of the state budget R & D was involved in research projects

State Awards

Laureate of the State Premium of Ukraine in the field of science and technology


Has more than 50 publications, including 3 textbooks and 1 monograph