Dmytro Gavva

Dmytro Gavva
Associate Professor the Department of Computer Radio Engineering and Technical Information Security Systems, Ph. D. of Technical Sciences, Assosiate Professor
Scopus ID: 8214864300
Documents by author:19
Total citations:16
Google Scholar ID: BttQW_QAAAAJ
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

In 2000 graduated from Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, majoring in Radio Engineering.

Candidate of Engineering Sciences, specialty 05.12.07 “Antennas and microwave devices”. In 2004 defended his thesis for a Candidate’s Degree “Wire antennas of arbitrary configuration with non-linear properties of surface impedance” in Specialized Academic Board at NURE.

Since 2007 an associate professor of Basics of Radio Engineering at NURE.

Stages of scientific and pedagogical activity:

from 2003 to 2007 – Assistant Professor of Basics of Radio Engineering at NURE;

from 2009 to 2016 – Associate Professor of Basics of Radio Engineering at NURE;

from 2016 to present – Associate Professor of Computer Radio Engineering and Technical Information Security Systems at NURE

Educational activity

Teaches disciplines: “Active Tools of Microwave Devices” for students of specialty 172 – Telecommunications and Radio engineering; “Information Security Systems Design”, “Circuit Engineering of Technical Information Security Devices”, “Active Tools of Microwave Devices ” for students of specialty 125 – Cybersecurity.

Research activities

Research interests: electrodynamic devices (antennas, filters, resonators, etc.) with lumped and distributed nonlinear elements (semiconductor elements, MEMS, high-temperature superconductors, etc.); reconfigurable antennas.


The author has  more than 56 publications, including 2 monograph