Dmytro Atamanskiy

Dmytro Atamanskiy
Leading Research Assistant of PRL of Radar Observation Systems, Doctor of Technical Sciencess, Associate Professor
Google Scholar ID: 985NSPwAAAAJ
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

In 1987, graduated from the Zhytomyr higher military school of radioelectronics with a bachelor degree in Operation of radioelectronic devices.

In 1995, graduated from the Kharkiv military university (KhMU)

In 2002, Ph.D. degree defended at the KhMU

In 2004, Associate Professor of the Radar and Automation Department at the KhMU

In 2020, defended doctor of technical sciences degree at the Kharkiv Aviation Institute

Since 2014, Professor of the Kharkiv Aviation Institute;

Since 2021, leading research scientist at the Kharkov national university of radio electronics.

Researcher activity

Research interests:

  • adaptive space-time signal processing in the presence of interference;
  • super-resolving spectral analysis.

Publications and patents

More than100 publications.