Daria Bilets

Daria Bilets
Associate Professor of the Department of Media Systems and Technologies, PhD (Candidate of Engineering Sciences)
Scopus ID: 57203111412
Documents by author:10
Total citations:31
Google Scholar ID: M2UbIS8AAAAJ&hl
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

2010 –  Graduated from the National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute» (NTU KhPI). Diploma of engineer, qualification – engineer-chemist

2010 – 2011 –   Laboratory assistant of «Fesenko» LLC

2011 – 2012 – Engineer of laboratory of the Department of Oil, Gas and Solid Fuel Processing Technologies, NTU KhPI

2012 – 2016 – Postgraduate study in NTU KhPI

2021 – Candidate of Engineering Sciences, specialty 05.17.07 – «Chemical technology of fuels and lubricants».

2013 – 2022 –   Head of laboratory, Associate professor and researcher (part-time) of the Department of Oil, Gas and Solid Fuel Processing Technologies, NTU KhPI.

From 19.10.2022, in the full-time staff of the Department of Media Systems and Technologies.

Educational activity

In accordance with the academic load the courses of lectures are conducted with laboratory works and practical employments on next disciplines: Fundamentals of Color Theory and Color reproduction, Basics of Editing and Proof-reading of Publications

Researcher activity

Scientific interests: color science, work with color, reproduction of color in printed and multimedia publications.

International activity

  • Responsible for the development of international activities of the Department of Media Systems and Technologies. International project under the DAAD program “Ukraine digital: Ensuring academic success in times of crisis”  (Germany, Heilbronn);
  • Member of the management committee of the COST Action CA22145 “Computational Techniques for Tabletop Games Heritage” project;
  • Member of management committee COST Action CA22145 “Computational Techniques for Tabletop Games Heritage”.


He has more than 50 publications, including a textbook, a monograph, and 2 patents.

She constantly raises her qualification level, is engaged in educational and methodical work and public activities.