Education and Career
In 2007 he graduated from KhNURE specialty “Intelligence Decisions Support Systems”.
Ph.D. – 2011. Thesis defended in KhNURE.
Scientific Researcher of CSRL of KhNURE since 2012.
Senior Scientific Researcher of CSRL of KhNURE since 2013.
Researcher activity
As part of the state budget R & D was involved in research projects: “Design of information processing methods under uncertainty based on self-learning and soft computing”, “Evolving hybrid systems of computational intelligence with adjustable structure for data mining”.
Research interests: computational intelligence, hybrid systems, deep learning and self-learning, spiking neural networks.
International activity / participation in international projects
Was awarded a grant for participating in 16th Zittau Fuzzy Colloquium – Summer School.
Publications and patents
Has over 30 publications, including 1 international monograph.