Antonina Rybalka

Antonina Rybalka
Associate Professor of the Department of Physics, Ph.D. (Physics and Mathematics Sciences), Associate Professor
Google Scholar ID: Oi3OM9gAAAAJ&hl
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

1969 – physicist, Kharkov State University, Department of Physics, specialty – optics.

1972 – Graduate School, Department of Physical Optics, Kharkov State University 1978 – Ph.D. (Cand. Sc (Physics and Mathematics),

1987 – Assistant of the Department of Physics KNURE

1992 – Associate Professor of Physics KNURE

Educational activity

Lecture course on “Physics” for students majoring in Telecommunications and Radio Engineering, Cybersecurity

Research activities

Her research interests include experimental studies using electro-optical systems

State Awards

Twice won the title of “KNURE – the best in the profession”, in 2003 she was awarded the diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science for many years of hard work, personal contribution to the training of highly qualified specialists, productive scientific and pedagogical activity.

Publications and patents

Author of more than 50 publications, 8 patents