Anna Morozova

Anna Morozova
Associate Professor of the Department of System Engineering, PhD in Engineering Sciences
Google Scholar ID: fLPZ4IkAAAAJ&hl
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

In 2008, graduated from the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, majoring in Information Design Technologies.

In 2009, worked as a research intern at the department of systems engineering at the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics.

In 2012, completed postgraduate studies at the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics.

2012 – assistant of the department of system engineering at the KNURE.

2017 – senior lecturer of the department of system engineering at the KNURE.

2023 – Associate Professor of the Department of Systems Engineering at the KNURE.

Information about the defense of the dissertation:

Specialty: 01.05.02 – mathematical modeling and computational methods.

The topic is “Mathematical modeling of the surfaces of aircraft industry objects and machine-building parts for implementation on a 3D printer.”

Defense on 04/22/2021 at a meeting of the specialized scientific council D 64.180.01 of the Institute of Mechanical Engineering Problems named after A.M. Pidgorny National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Educational activity

Lecture courses: “Fundamentals of 3D modeling”, “Web technologies and Web design”

Conducting practical and laboratory classes in the following disciplines: “Fundamentals of 3D modeling”, “Web technologies and Web design”, “Computer design technologies”, “Computer circuitry and computer architecture”, “System modeling”, “Mathematical modeling”, “Theory of algorithms”.

Management of bachelor training.

Researcher activity

Publication of articles, participation in conferences, direction of scientific activity: creation of modern computer technologies (mathematical models, methods, algorithms and programs)

Public activity

Curator of the group

International activity / participation in international projects

Participation in international projects:

Erasmus+ 598236-EPP-1 2018-1-LT-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP,  «Digital competence framework for Ukrainian teachers and other citizens, dComFra», 2020.

Publications and patents

Has more than 35 publications.