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Education and Career
In 2014 completed the full course of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University and obtained complete higher education in the speciality “Translation/Interpreting” and obtained qualification of Philologist, Translator/Interpreter and Lecturer/Teacher of the French and English languages; diploma with honour.
2017-2019 – worked as an Instructor of the Foreign Languages Department, KNURE.
2019 – transferred to the position of Assistant Professor of the Foreign Languages Department, KNURE.
Education activity
Teaches the following subjects: Foreign Language (English, French), Foreign Language for Professional Communication, Business Foreign Language
Researcher activity
The innovative methods and technologies of teaching foreign languages in higher educational institutions, application of remote technologies in the education process
2021 – Certificate in Teaching English as a Foreign Language issued by TEFL Training College Ltd, London.
International activity / participation in international projects
In April – July 2017 did a certified international scientific professional development course for the European educational project “The Innovative Methods and Technologies of Teaching in the European Educational Practice” (Częstochowa, Poland).
July 9, 2017 – took part in the international conference “Dylematy Wspłoczesnej edukacji. Człowiek w wymiarze społeczno-humanistycznym: wielokulturowość–niepełnosprawność–wykluczenie/niedostosowanie społeczne” (Częstochowa, Poland).
July 10, 2017 – participated in the international conference “Education Strategies for Adult Education” (Częstochowa, Poland).
2023-2024 – participated in the international project “Cooperative Development practices in TA as a means of supporting teachers and developing resilience for Ukrainian EFL lecturers”.
Social activities
June 2020 – participated as part of the jury in the organisation of the II All-Ukrainian Competition of Young Researchers named after Georgy Gamov (held in the video conference mode).
2023 – a member of the International Association of English Language Teachers – PAELT
Publications and patents
She has 2 scientific publications, 4 conference papers.