Andrii Zhuravka

Andrii Zhuravka
Professor of the Department of Infocommunication Engineering V.V. Popovsky, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor
Google Scholar ID: 9yQ5qB0AAAAJ
All timeLast 5 years

Education and career

Position: Professor of V.V. Popovskyy Department of Infocommunication Engineering.
Academic degree: Candidate of Economic Sciences (PhD), specialty 08.00.11 – Informational Systems in Economics, 2005.
Academic rank: Associate Professor.
HEI: National Aerospace University – “Kharkiv Aviation Institute”, NAU “KhAI”, 1987-1993, specialty– «Calculating Machines, Complexes, Systems and Networks», Kharkiv Higher School of International Business of State Economic University, 1997-1998, specialty– «Management of Exter-nal Economic Activity;
Postgraduate study: Kharkiv National University of Construction and Architecture, 1999-2002;
2002 – Assistant of Professor of Department of Economic Cybernetics and Information Security, KhNUBA.
2005 – Associate Professor of Department of Economic Cybernetics and Information Security, KhNUBA.
2006 – Associate Professor of Department of Economic Cybernetics and Information Security, NURE.
2018 – Associate Professor of Department of Infocommunication Engineering named after V.V. Popovskyy, NURE.
2019 – Professor of Department of Infocommunication Engineering named after V.V. Popovskyy, NURE.

Educational activities

For almost 20 years I have been teaching various economic disciplines, including computer science and mathematical modeling. From 2006 till 2018, I served as an associate professor at the Department of Economic Cybernetics at the Center for Student Learning in a Foreign Language, where I taught classes in English. I have developed such disciplines in English: Economics, History of Economics and Economic Thoughts, National Economy (including Economy of foreign countries), Modeling of economic processes (exchange trading tasks, optimization problems, linear programming, dynamic programming, statistics tasks, etc. using modern tools spreadsheets Excel, Calc, etc., MathCAD, software systems for accounting and tax 1C-technologies), Financial Management, Economics, and Business, Modern Economic Theories, etc. Additionally working programs have been developed and classes are held in the following disciplines: Software systems of accounting and tax accounting; Innovative development of enterprises; Corporate social responsibility; Financial management; System analysis of business processes; Methods of teaching economics; Information society; Automation of business processes in the economy; Information systems and technologies of enterprises; Information systems in economics; Economic diagnostics; System analysis; Information systems and technologies; Economic Cybernetics; Advanced information technologies; Modern economic theories; Information technologies and higher mathematics in scientific research; Models of economic dynamics; Training and production practice; Diploma project design and etc. Work programs for new disciplines have been developed: Innovative development of IT enterprises and Social responsibility of IT business. Since 2019 I am professor of Info Communication Engineering Department of the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics. Due to the fact that recently the disciplines in the field of Cybersecurity and Telecommunications such as Administering, Audit and Safety for Internet Informational Service, Administration and Protection of Databases, Database Management and Maintenance, Database Management Systems, Information Security in Information and Communication Systems, Mathematical Foundations of Cryptology, Software Development in Information Security, Basics of Cryptographic Information Security, Steganography etc. became highly demanded. Therefore last years, I have developed materials for lectures, practical and laboratory classes for mentioned disciplines. The methodological of the best universities of the world have been introduced the educational process. Bachelors and masters from around the world have trained.

Scientific activity

Scientific adviser of the state budget research number of state registration: 0116U003672. (2016 – 2018).

International activities / participation in international projects

I teach classes in English for about 800 hours.
Prepared bachelors and masters from different countries of the world. I have experience working with students from around the world: Germany, Sweden, Saudi Arabia, China, India, Pakistan, Iraq, Yemen, Turkey, Morocco, Algeria, Egypt, Nigeria, Kenya, Cameroon, Tanzania, Sudan, Congo, Zimbabwe, Zaire, Namibia, Botswana, Senegal, Rwanda, Latin American countries, CIS countries and others.

Social activity

I am the curator of the group

Awards and prizes

For conscientious work was rewarding with an entry in the work book.

Number of publications

More 120.