Andrii Astrakhantsev

Andrii Astrakhantsev
Associate Professor of the Department of INE, Associate Professor of the Department of Infocommunication Engineering, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
Scopus ID: 55226016400
Documents by author:13
Total citations:13
Google Scholar ID: dIaCpE0AAAAJ&hl
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

2002 – graduated from Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics (NURE) in the field of “Information Protection in Telecommunication Systems”.

2007 – PhD thesis defended (05.12.13 – means of telecommunications and radio engineering devices) at KNURE.

2002 – Assistant of the department of communication networks.

2007 – Associate Professor of the Department of Communication Networks

Educational activity

Teaches courses: “Directional systems of electrical and optical communication”, “IP-telephony and IPTV”, “Communication routing”, “Mathematical principles of cryptology”, “Fundamentals of steganography”, “Information protection in banking systems”

Research activities

More than 10 winners of the All-Ukrainian Competition for student research papers were prepared. During 2006-2013 the faculty team for the All-Ukrainian professional Olympiads was trained. Participated in a joint research project with “Samsung Electronics Ukraine Company” (2013). 1 postgraduate student prepared.

Social activities 

2006-2013 Deputy-dean for scientific and methodological work

Publications and patents

Has over 90 publications, including 3 textbooks, 2 inventor’s certificates.