Andrey Onishchenko

Andrey Onishchenko
Associate Professor of the Department of Physics, Candidate of science (Physical and mathematic science
Google Scholar ID: LPHGnG0AAAAJ&hl
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

2004 Physics Department, Kharkiv National University. VN Karazin, speciality – physics, qualification – physics.

2009 Assistant of the Department of Physics and Meteorology, the Kharkiv National Agrarian University, they are. VV Dokuchaeva

2010 teacher of the Department of Physics and Meteorology, the Kharkiv National Agrarian University. VV Dokuchaev.

2014 senior lecturer in physics and higher mathematics at the Kharkiv National Agrarian University. VV Dokuchaeva

2016 Senior Lecturer of the Department of Physics of the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics

2023 Candidate of Physic and Mathematics science (comparable to the Academic Degree of Doctor Philosophy) on speciality 01.04.03 – Radio Physics. Dissertation topic: “Fractal analysis in methods of remote radio sounding of geospacer”

Since 2024 – Associate Professor of the Department of Physics of the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics

Educational activity

Lecture Course “Physics” for speciality “Computer Engineering” and “Information Systems and Technologies”

Research activities

Research interests: Fractal analysis, fractal ultra-wideband signal (UWBS), nonlinear and fractal signals and processes, non-traditional methods of analysis and signal processing, nonlinear and fractal radio physics.

Publications and patents

He is the author of more than 40 scientific and methodical works.