Andrew Biziuk

Andrew Biziuk
Professor of the Department of Media Systems and Technologies, Ph.D., Associate Professor
Google Scholar ID: ORLjFHgAAAAJ
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

1993 – graduated from the Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute, Faculty of Engineering.

1999 – Ph.D. of engineering sciences.

2003 – Associate professor on a department Computer Engineering and programming (KhNUE).

2008 – Associate professor of department МСТ.

Since 2019 – Professor of the Department of MST

Since 2020 – expert of the NAQA in the speciality 186 “Publishing and Printing”, participation in accreditation examinations in 2020-2023.

Additional education:

2022 – HVD internship (Bulgaria), Certificate of Completion № 259/05.03.2022HVD.

2022 – advanced training under the programme of the NMC VFPO, certificate CC 38282994/5073-22.

Educational activity

Lecture courses with laboratory work and practical classes in designing and developing interfaces for interactive publications (masters, full-time and part-time), basics of UI/UX development (masters, full-time), security printing in polygraphy, technology for protecting printed products (masters, full-time and part-time), patent science and copyright (bachelors, full-time and part-time), software for computer publishing systems (bachelors, full-time and part-time), Informatics (basics of computer science) (bachelors, full-time and part-time), font technologies (bachelors, full-time and part-time).

Supervising graduation project of different levels (master’s degree, bachelor).

Research activities

Scientific interests: security printing in a polygraphy, software for computer publishing systems, design of electronic multimedia editions, UX/UI

International activity / participation in international projects

2014 Work under the contract with “Samsung Electronics Company” “Development of conception and scenarios charts of multimodal user co-operation with office application on the Tizen platform”


More than 70 publications for the last 5 years, in particular: lecture notes, methodical guidance to laboratory works, practical classes and self-study, printed scientific articles, chapters in collective monographs, abstracts