Anatoly Luchaninov

Anatoly Luchaninov
Professor the Department of Computer Radio Engineering and Technical Information Security Systems, Doctor of Science, Professor
Google Scholar ID: kv5oN3QAAAAJ&hl
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

In 1971 – graduated from Kharkiv Institute of Radio Electronics (HIRE), specializing in Radio Engineering.

1988 – Ph.D. Thesis defended at the CEB “Vympel”. From 1971 to 1997 – a researcher at the SRC HIRE. 1997 – Doctor of Sciences, specialty 01.04.03 – Radiophysics. Thesis defended at KhTURE.

Since 1997 Associate Professor, and since 1998 Professor of the Department of Fundamentals of Radio Engineering of the KNURE (from 2016  Department of Computer Radio Engineering and Technical Information Security Systems ).

Educational activity

Teaches courses: “Modern packages of modeling of telecommunication and radio engineering devices”, “Computer-aided design of radio-electronic devices “, “Design of information network devices”, “Automated processing of information with restricted access

Research activities

In the period 1996…2017 head of state and budgetary research. Member of the Dissertation Council for the protection of doctoral dissertations D64.052.03. Deputy editor of the collection “Radio Engineering”.

Directions of scientific activity: numerical methods in electromagnetics, nonlinear processes in electromagnetics, theory and technology of antennas and microwave devices.

State Awards

Badge “For scientific achievements”, 2006.

Publications and patents

The author of more than 200 publications, co-author of 6 monographs. Has 13 copyright certificates and patents.