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Citations | 13 | 1 |
h-index | 2 | 1 |
i10-index | 0 | 0 |
Education and Career
2008 – graduated from Kharkov National University of Radioelectronics, department of computer, and received the qualification – “Engineer-researcher, programmer of system”, specialty – “System programming”, theme of master’s certification work “Investigation of parallel models of neural networks”.
2012 – Candidate of Technical Sciences specialty 05.13.23 – “Systems and means of artificial intelligence”, the theme of the thesis “Methods and models for accelerated neural network processing of data in a distributed computing environment.”
2009-2015 – Assistant of computer department.
Since 2015 – senior lecturer of the computer department.
Educational activity
Author’s program on the discipline of “Internet technology” (2 semester), as well as conducting laboratory classes on the disciplines “Internet technology” (1 semester), “Parallel and distributed computing”, “Intellectual systems”, “Artificial intelligence systems”.
Preparation of diploma and course projects. Approximate subject of the diploma projects: “Remote monitoring software Rtracking”, “Web project management system for software testing”, “Online order processing system for furniture enterprises with integrated 3D-editor”, “Monitoring system of harmful emissions at manufacturing plants” “Wireless corporate network of the Atlas enterprise”, “Models and methods of accelerated classification based on a multilayer perceptron”, “Computer system for neural network sorting of pipe blanks for quality”,”Mobile computer system for processing reference information on medical goods and services”,”Mobile computer monitoring system for vehicles”,”Mobile information support system for vehicle maintenance”.
Research activities
Scientific interests: parallel and distributed computing, artificial neural networks, Internet technologies, mobile systems.
Participation in the research work of the department: participation in seminars, competitions and conferences on specialty, scientific research and scientific and methodical work:
- Methodical vkazivki to laboratory robots from the discipline “Intellectual computer systems” for students in various forms of specialization of specialties 7.091501, 8.091501 “Computer systems and measures”, 7.091502, 8.091502 “System program” / Operator: N.G. . Aksak, A.Yu. Leb’odkina. – Харків: ХНУРЕ, 2011. – 76 с.
- Methodical vkazivki up to laboratory robots in the discipline “Internet-technology” Part 1 for students of the most common forms of navchannya direct 6.050102 – Computern Engineering / Operational: NG. Aksak, S.M. Sarancha, A.Yu. Leb’odkina. – Khar’kov: KhNURE, 2011. – 88 p.
- Methodical vkazivki before laboratory robots in the discipline of “Internet-technology”. Part 2 for students of various forms of navchannya directly. 6.050102 – Computer project / Operator: NG. Aksak, S.M. Sarancha, A.Yu. Leb’odkina. – Khar’kov: KhNURE, 2011. – 52 p.
- Methodical vkazivki before laboratory robots from the discipline “Internet te-hnogologii” (part 2) for students of the daytime correspondence forms navchannya on-straight 6.050102 – “Komp’yuternaya іnzheneriya” / Order: Lebodkina A.Yu., Sarancha S.M. ., Aksak N.G. – Khar’kov: KhNURE, 2013. – 94 p.
International activity / participation in international projects
Within the framework of the youth school competition held, a travel-grant from Intel at the Eighth International Conference “High-performance parallel computing on cluster systems (HPC-2008)”, Kazan.
Social activity
Secretary of the examination committee for the specialty KSM 8.05010201, 7.05010201 day and correspondence forms of education, curator, career guidance work and training practice.
Publications and patents
More than 40 publications, 1 patent