Alexander Shcherbyna

Alexander Shcherbyna
Associate Professor of the Department of Computer Radio Engineering and Technical Information Security Systems, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Senior Researcher
Google Scholar ID: glNy3XIAAAAJ&hl
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

1969 – graduated Kharkiv Institute of Radio Electronics for specialty “Design and manufacture of radio equipment”

1969 engineer, senior engineer;

1974 Junior Research Fellow,

1976 Senior Research Fellow

1988 Head of the Laboratory of Research Laboratory;

In 1991, the candidate of technical sciences, defended the dissertation at  the Kharkov Institute of Radio Electronics.

1994 Senior Research Fellow on specialty “Radio engineering systems of special purpose, including microwave and technologies of their production.

1991-1997 Senior Researcher,

since 1997 – Associate Professor of the Department of Fundamentals of Radio Engineering

Educational activity

Teaches courses:
1. “Means of technical protection of information microwave and optical ranges. ”
2. “Technical electrodynamics”.
3. “Electrodynamics and the propagation of radio waves”.
4. “Complex course project”.

Research activities

Participated in state budget and municipal buddies on specific topics. Management of student’s scientific work, participation in student forums. Areas of scientific activity: Electrodynamics, Antennas and Microwave engineering

Publications and patents

Has more than 100 publications, 9 patents and copyright certificates