He has discovered the conversion of carbon dioxide to hydrocarbon fuel, introduced new agricultural technologies based on using only soil, water and air.
He is the author of several designs applied in industrial production of such corporations as IBM,Toyota, Ford, APC.
He has given scientific credence of the process of carbon dioxide transformation under the influence of nuclear energy on oil, gas and other fuels.
The concepts of production of hybrid-electric transmissions for cars are based on his innovative ideas.
He is the member ofNew Yorkand Washington Academy of Sciences, the senior scientific researcher of theInstituteofElectricaland Electronics Engineers, and others.
His name is included in the Hall of Fame as the inventor of Engineer school of theUniversityofMaryland, he received the Medal of Edison – the highest award of electro technicians in theUSA. He was awarded D.Mendeleev and VDNKh medals.