Scientists of NURE took part in the scientific conference “Modern technologies of diagnostic and treatment in otorhinolaryngology”


On October 1, 2023, the scientific and practical conference of otorhinolaryngologists of Ukraine “Modern technologies of diagnosis and treatment in otorhinolaryngology” started in Lviv in the premises of the National Academic Ukrainian Drama Theater named after Maria Zankovetska. The event is dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the founding of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine.

The scientific and practical forum is held under the auspices of the State Institution “Institute of Otolaryngology named after Prof. O.S. Kolomiychenko of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine” and NGO “Ukrainian Scientific Medical Society of Otorhinolaryngologists”.

Professor Oleg Avrunin and Associate Professor Nataliya Shushlyapina presented the scientific achievements of the Department of Medical Sciences (KHNURE) at the conference. The report “Alternative approaches to improving nasal breathing during physical training” within the section “Wartime injuries and diseases of the upper respiratory tract” is devoted to research that, despite the war, is conducted on the basis of the laboratory of sports medicine and physical rehabilitation. The report was dedicated to the memory of the famous Jus pilot, Major Andrii Pilshchikov, who at one time participated in testing devices for nasal breathing research in extreme conditions. During the conference, Professor Oleh Avrunin conducted a test online video stream with the effect of presence in the Reframe Life 360 mode for students and representatives of the scientific group.

Such scientific events in face-to-face format have not been held for almost three and a half years and are very important in the modern conditions of the distance education process.This made it possible to hold meaningful meetings with stakeholders – practicing doctors, representatives of various medical institutions (in particular, Kharkiv, Poltava, Zaporizhzhia, Sumy, Kyiv, Rivne, Ternopil, Ivano-Frankivsk, Lviv) and the scientific community, interaction with which allows to discuss the prospects for the development of educational programs in the Biomedical Engineering specialty, ensures an increase in the university’s academic reputation and contributes to the achievement of the third UN Global Goal of Sustainable Development – Strong Health and Well-being.

Together we strive for Victory!

Scientists of NURE took part in the scientific conference “Modern technologies of diagnostic and treatment in otorhinolaryngology”