Results of the rating of NURE departments


On August 21, the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics hosted a meeting of the Academic Council, which is being held remotely due to the COVID pandemic, and the results of the ranking of the departments of the University of Radio Electronics were approved.
Taking into account the inclusion of NURE in the regional rating QS and Impact Rankings THE, the rating indicators were brought in line with the indicators of world rankings of universities.
This year the winners among the graduating departments were:
1st place – BME Department;
2nd place – ICI Department;
3rd place – AI Department,
among general education departments:
1st place – MTS Department;
2nd place – Department of Higher Mathematics;
3rd place – Department of Physics.
The results of the rating assessment of the departments’ activity for 2019/2020 academic year can be found on the CIST website.

Results of the rating of NURE departments