Report of the Acting Rector of NURE Ihor Ruban and meeting with the staff


Today, the acting rector of NURE Ihor Ruban met with the University staff.
During the meeting, the staff heard a report on the work and achievements of the past 2023. Despite all the difficulties of today, the First Among the Best holds its position in everything. The educational and scientific process continues uninterrupted and this is the result of the work, motivation and dedication of every employee and student.
Ihor Ruban also presented awards from the Ministry of Education and Science, letters of appreciation and certificates:
Head of the Electronic Computers Department Andrii Kovalenko was awarded the “Excellence in Education” badge.
Associate Professor of the Department of Computer Radio Engineering and Information Security Systems Denys Gorelov and Head of the Department of Physical Foundations of Electronic Engineering Oleksandr Hnatenko received diplomas from the Ministry of Education and Science.
Oleksii Liashenko, Dean of the Faculty of Computer Engineering and Management, and Vitalii Martovytskyi, Associate Professor of the Department of Electronic Computers, were awarded with the Ministry of Education and Science.
We are proud of the NURE team and continue to work with faith in the Armed Forces and for the future of Ukraine!

Report of the Acting Rector of NURE Ihor Ruban and meeting with the staff