Partnership with Institute of Spine and Joint Pathology


Master’s student Oleksandr Kuznetsov, who already has a bachelor’s degree in biomedical engineering, took part in the media project “Ambassador Students”, where he spoke about his type of activity and job.

Oleksandr works in the laboratory of orthotics and biomaterials at the Sitenko Institute of Spine and Joint Pathology of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, which is the practice base of NURE Biomedical Engineering Department. Oleksandr Kuznetsov also works as a technical specialist in the orthotics and prosthetics project at Handicap International, an independent and impartial international aid organization that works with people with disabilities and other vulnerable groups.

In order to organize a laboratory workshop in the disciplines “Artificial Organs and Systems”, “Devices for Replacement of Lost Human Organs and Functions” and “Rehabilitation Engineering” Institute donated NURE specialized prosthetic equipment – modular hip prostheses after amputation above the knee. The prostheses are intended for functional and cosmetic compensation of the lost limb. The construction consists of a hip receiving sleeve made of laminated plastic, a knee assembly with adjustable transfer phase, adjusting and connecting devices, and an artificial foot.

Master’s student Oleksandr Kuznetsov is an ambassador for biomedical engineering, as he recruits students and teaches them the basics of orthotics and prosthetics, and working with patients with disabilities.

Cooperation with stakeholders and medical institutions improves the level of practical training of bachelors and masters, ensures the multidisciplinarity of biomedical engineering and contributes to the achievement UN Sustainable Development Goals 3 and 4 – Good health and well-being and Quality education.

We are proud that such talented young people study at NURE. We are sincerely grateful for the prosthetics equipment that our students will study.

Partnership with Institute of Spine and Joint Pathology