NURE will take part in an international project


At the end of 2020, based on the results of a competitive selection, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics will participate in the international project “Academic IQ Initiative”, funded by the US State Department through the US Embassy in Ukraine.  Rector of NURE Valerii Semenets has already signed a Memorandum of Understanding between NURE and the American Councils for International Education: ACTR/ACCELS. The purpose of the project is to implement policies and practical mechanisms to prevent and combat violations of the principles of academic integrity and to develop mechanisms for internal quality assurance of education. One of the key tasks of the Project is to provide educational and technical support to the staff of internal education quality assurance centers of HEIs or their counterparts in creating an effective model for monitoring the quality of education, identifying key problems and causes of violations of academic integrity by participants  of the educational process, and providing expert recommendations for improving the quality of education in HEIs.
Project coordinators from NURE are: Dean of the ACT Faculty Oleksandr Filipenko, Head of the MTS Department Iryna Svyd and Deputy Director of the Scientific Library Lyudmyla Vlashchenko.