NURE team took the first place at the programming competitions in Uzhgorod


The summer school on programming in Uzhhorod, in which 3 teams of Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics took part, has finished its work.  Within the framework of the Uzhgorod school, from July 31 to August 7, 6 competitions took place, in which the strongest teams of Ukraine took part and the winner was determined by the total of all days.  This year, the team of NURE “Energy” consisting of Oleg Wallace, Matthew Aslandukov and Igor Barenblat took first place in the first league of the Summer School of Programming, setting a record, gaining 992 points out of 1000 during the competition.
Participation in such activities allows to acquire programming skills, learn algorithms, data structures and learn to solve complex problems in a tight time limit, while working in a team.

NURE team took the first place at the programming competitions in Uzhgorod